1 Marzo 2024
Corso di Perfezionamento sullo studio delle Mummie 2024
Il corso ha come obiettivo quello di fornire le competenze necessarie per effettuare lo studio…
18 Dicembre 2019
Application of segmentation and 3D rendering techniques in the mummies of Cangrande della Scala (1291-1329) and S. Giacomo della Marca (1391-1476)
Computed Tomography (CT) has become a routinely non-invasive technique in paleopathology, allowing…
11 Ottobre 2019
Paleopatologia delle mummie naturali di goriano valli (l’aquila)
Lo studio paleopatologico delle mummie medioevali e post-medioevali italiane riveste un altissimo…
4 Ottobre 2019
Cysticercosis in an egyptian mummy
The Egyptian mummy of a young woman aged about 20, dating back to the late Ptolemaic period (II-I…
24 Settembre 2019
Il DNA di Federico II
La mummia che, in quanto tale, conserva ancora i tessuti molli, è semplicemente un archivio…
4 Settembre 2019
The rector of the hospital and his wife: two artificial mummies of the late 15th century from siena
Two artificial mummies found in the hospital church of S. Maria della Scala in Siena (Tuscany,…
28 Agosto 2019
A new case of ancient restoration on an Eyptian Mummy
A new example of restoration performed by the ancient Egyptian embalmers on a mummified body is…
4 Agosto 2019
Multinodular goiter in a nineteenth-century italian mummy
The enlargement of the thyroid gland has attracted the attention of mankind since the dawn of…
14 Luglio 2019
Paleopathology of a nobleman from Popoli (Italy)
The paleopathology of a mummified nobleman from a crypt under the Church of the Holy Trinity in…
8 Giugno 2019
Smallpox in renaissance italian mummy
The mummy of a two year old child, who died in Naples about the middle of the sixteenth century,…
10 Maggio 2019
Large bladder stone and severe arthritis in a natural mummy of the early 19th century from borgo cerreto (spoleto, central italy)
The natural mummy of an adult woman was found in the crypt of the church of “Saints Jesus and Mary”…